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Jessica's Crafty Corner
Category: Events 
Jessica's Crafty Corner is here to provide custom party decor for all occasions and personalized gifts for your friends and family.
Hello! and welcome to my crafty corner. I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my business and background. My name is Jessica. I am a wife of 12 years and a mother of 3 kiddos (10, 7 & 1). I was born in Canada, my background is Canadian-Serbian and my husband is Serbian. I opened Jessica's Crafty Corner because I have always enjoyed crafting, wanted to work from home to stay home a little longer with the baby, and I like to keep busy. I have a degree in business, but probably need a refresher course because so much has changed with the introduction of all these social media channels. I am a hard worker, motivated to do the best I can, always, and you'll love me for my customer service skills 🙂. Jessica's Crafty Corner is named this because I literally started out working on a corner of my dining room table! I have a home office set up now and boy does it make a difference. My main goal is to supply you guys with all your party needs, starting with banners, cake and cupcake toppers, 3D letters and loot boxes . . And then to expand into full decor and party packages that include themed activities. If you are interested, let me know. I am here. Check out the other items on my page as well. If you need something you don't see, but think I could make, send me a message. I'm always up for a new challenge! If you have read this far, thank you so much! It's a long read.... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for liking, following and sharing my posts. Every interaction helps my business grow and I appreciate it more than you know. 💜💜💜,
City: Mississauga,
State/Province: ON,
Country: CANADA

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